
April Bucket List

This month seems to have gone really quickly. I’ve been ill for the last couple of weeks and James was away for just over a week meaning some things that were on my March bucket list just haven’t got done.

Things for my blog

Things for me                                                                                                


April Bucket list

Here is my bucket list for April.

Things for my blog

I feel like I had to focus on other things the last few weeks and my blog has been a bit neglected. I’m glad to be able to focus a bit more time on it again.

Things for me  



What’s on your Bucket list for April? Pop over and have a look at all the others who are joining in the lovely Beth at Twinderelmo.


We all have the times when we feel like rubbish mums, but to be honest the fact we care about being good mums, makes us good mums, as I’m pretty sure the caring is the most important bit 😉
I’ve got a huge to do list for my blog at the moment and we’re away from Monday arghh! Also been told I am NOT taking the laptop – think he’s finally rebelling at my neglect of him 😉 Hope you have a brilliant month lovely,

Stevie xx

Mummy Melton says:

I can relate to me time, I need to set some time aside for me. Lovely list, I look forward to hearing how you get on

Jenna says:

Oh no, it’s horrible to feel like a rubbish mum – no more of that please.

Good luck with this month’s list.

Love Devon – hope you book somewhere lovely. 🙂


Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

Oh I know the feeling with feeling like a rubbish mum, I would bet everything I have that you aren’t (and I’m not either) I think its one of the things that comes with being a mum 🙁

We are meal planning too…….

#monthlybucketlist xx

Exciting about booking your holiday – it’s lovely having something to look forward to. I can’t wait to see your new logo too. Keep doing what you’re doing and I’m sure your followers will grow. I need to start a beauty regime too as my skin has gone really bad 🙁
Thanks for linking. Hope you manage a date xxx

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