Ava at 3 months

Ava is almost 4 months. It’s hard to think that this time last year we didn’t know about her. She was just a dream. I still have to pinch myself that I have a beautiful baby girl with the Man I love. That the boys love her just as much as we do. She has made our little family complete. Each day I look at her and I’m so thankful that we have been blessed with her.



Ava at 3 months is a happy, smiley baby. She has started to giggle which is the best sound in the world. She has found her hands and has progressed from staring at them, to using them to grab toys and bring them to her mouth. She can now hold her head up really well and turn to look at sounds and follows people. We can’t leave her anywhere now unless she is strapped in as she can confidently roll onto her side and wriggle across the playmat. She hasn’t quite mastered the art of rolling yet, but is very close.


The reflux medicine seems to be helping and she isn’t in as much pain. She still has good and bad days and terrifies me when she chokes on the sick/acid. The doctor was pretty useless at our last appointment and wanted to prescribe her some extra meds, that the hospital had said were now classed as unsafe for babies/children. It worries me that if I hadn’t known that, then she would be taking it now. The last week her sick has been a lot worse, with a few days where she has sicked up most of her feeds. She is being so sick that it is requiring changes of clothes for me and her.



I’m still dairy free, which I’m not going to lie, can be hard work. I know I’m doing it for a good reason, but it doesn’t stop me craving cheese and chocolate. Ava has been having bits of blood within the mucous in the poo. This is a sign of a true cows milk protein allergy. It worries me as she is reacting that severely to something small that I’ve eaten, broken down and then processed into milk. We were hoping that something had slipped through, however its been happening for a few weeks now and I know I definitely haven’t eaten any dairy. I’m worried that she is reacting to something else and I will have to go on a total elimination diet. We had an appointment with the dietician last week who has advised us to also cut out soya, which is easier said than done as it’s in everything! Ava feeds well and breastfeeding has become really easy. She feeds 2-3 hourly in the day and the same at night (on a good night)


Sleep is a thing of dreams, with regular sometimes hourly night wakenings. I’m sure this is down to the reflux and her seeking comfort. The good news is that she now goes to sleep upstairs in the evening. We have managed to do this by most nights having a bath, getting her changed and ready for bed in the bedroom with dimmed lights and then a feed. She is usually down for the night between 7 and 8 and then sleeps till between 10-11. We have a video monitor which is amazing. I didn’t have one for the boys and I love it. The fact that she sleeps upstairs gives us a bit of a break in the evenings.


We have been taking Ava to baby swimming. It’s in a hydrotherapy pool so nice and warm. She loves it. Ava saw her first snow. I took her to the window to watch it and I think she was looking, although I can’t be sure.


At the hospital Ava weighed 13lb 1oz and she is 63 cm tall. This makes her on the 36th centile for her weight and 76th for her height.

Clothes size

Ava still fits in her 0-3 although she is now in 3-6 month bodysuits and sleep suits as they fit her bigger reusable nappies better. I’ve bought loads of nice clothes for the next size, which has made me less sad about her getting bigger.


3 responses to “Ava at 3 months”

  1. What a lovely update, such gorgeous pictures. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  2. Oh my goodness she is such a cutie pie 🙂 sorry to hear she is still struggling with the allergy thing, I really hope you figure it out soon – it must be so hard being careful of what you eat. Such a gorgeous girlie though – she’ll be running you ragged before you know it!! Thanks so much for linking up with #twinklytuesday

  3. Awe lovely update and sounds like she is doing well. Sorry to read about the reflux and allergy, I cut out dairy for LM for a while and really struggled, breastfeeding was such a struggle too so we eventually moved to a lactose free formula and she has been much better. So hard when they are in so much pain though! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx

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