Fertility is something that you may have started to think about as you’re getting older and are looking to have your own family. Most couples (around 80%), are able to get pregnant naturally within a year of trying. However, it doesn’t always happen that way for others. It can be down to a number of factors on either side, relating to female or male infertility. It also can be completely unexplained. Aside from the predetermined factors, lifestyle and diet can have a role in your chances of getting pregnant. This post explores some of these and highlights ways in which you can boost your fertility by implementing healthy changes.
This post is in collaboration with a clinic that provides private ivf in London.
Men and women put off starting a family for a number of reasons. They are not yet in a committed relationship or want to focus on their career and wait till they are stable enough to have children. Delaying the decision ultimately can affect your chances as a woman is born with all of her eggs. Her egg reserve diminishes as she gets older which reduces her chances of getting pregnant. This usually starts to decline after the age of 35. For men, it’s a matter of the kind of sperm that they produce. Although they can continue to produce sperm, their quality drops with age. After the age of 55 sperm motility decreases by 54%.
As we already know, smoking poses serious health consequences. It is carcinogenic and can lead to 15 different forms of cancer (mouth and throat, oesophagus, stomach, and colon cancer are just a few). The toxic chemicals nicotine, cyanide, and carbon monoxide that is released also contribute to infertility in both men and women. For women, egg reserves are diminished at a faster rate which can onset menopause by 1 to 4 years. This reduces a woman’s chances of getting pregnant as there are fewer eggs that she will be able to release. Male sperm quality and mobility can also be affected. They may also become abnormally shaped which can affect their ability to fuse. While it may seem difficult, there is help that you can access to quit smoking. It will protect you from causing further harm to yourself and your fertility.
Being in poor physical shape can affect your chances of conceiving. Those with a BMI that’s 30 or over are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Research has found that men with the condition are more likely to be affected by erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation and hypogonadism which affect fertility. For women, their periods may become irregular, and anovulation can occur. This is where a woman will not release an egg during her menstrual cycle. If your weight is something that you struggle with and you wish to improve your chances of getting pregnant, you may want to speak to your doctor about putting a plan in place. If there are underlying health conditions such as thyroid problems, they will be able to advise you accordingly.
Sexually transmitted infections can cause damage to the reproductive system and compromise fertility for both sexes. It’s important that you think carefully about the decisions that you make and get seen sooner rather than later if there are any concerns.
We hope that this post offers some insight into how fertility works and the ways in which you can take control by making changes to your lifestyle. Fertility is largely individual and we recommend that you speak to a fertility specialist if you have any questions or concerns. They will be able to help you by getting to know your medical history and offer fertility testing.
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