Baby girl is now 9 weeks old and I should be out of the baby blues phase and settling back down. I’m not! I’m still very much all over the place and instead of things getting easier they are getting harder. I’m scared that PND is starting to take hold. I was already scoring borderline before things got harder and as Ive had it before I’m at an increased risk of getting it again.
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I remember all these feelings so well. But I put it down to feeling so overwhelmed about motherhood. It took me a long time to realise I had PND. I think the most important thing you can do is try to talk to those around you and don’t be afraid to ask for help and support when you need it. Good luck xxx
This all sounds so familiar – I was worried about germs, so I had to wipe every kitchen surface religiously before bed (lifting things and putting back where they came from too, not very good!).
Getting clothes ready was a game changer and yes, even for myself every night. Its awful trying to think about how to dress your postnatal tummy, never mind doing so while all hell is breaking loose elsewhere in the house.
Take care and be kind to yourself and if you find that your brain is being too hard on you, don’t be afraid to go and get some CBT from your GP.
And use #pndchat on twitter. I’m @poptartsandpnd x
Sending you love and strength. Would CBT help or a counsillor. After a traumatic birth with my first a councillor gave me so much support to deal with the trauma of it all. Thanks for linking up to #brilliatblogposts x
Hugs for you xoxo
Writing everything down in a blog post and coming up with coping strategies is a really good start and fingers crossed it does help you in some way. I don’t have any experience with PND but it does sound very similar to Depression/Clinical OCD/Anxiety etc which I can relate to. Don’t be afraid to have a chat with your doctor like you say, there may be other things rather than medication they can give you if you really want to avoid that route xx
Thank you for sharing this and I hope you get some comments from the other lovely ladies I know who have been in the same situation. It’s brave to reach out, and strong of you to think of things to be positive about. thanks for linking up to #sundaystars
It sounds like you are doing a fab job. Baby is only 9 weeks old so you definitely need to number 12 lots! Getting dressed and putting on a bit of lippy is really good as it will just bring some normality and routine. Maybe go get a haircut and ask for clothes vouchers for Christmas so you can treat yourself to something nice? Going to baby massage is a great idea, getting out and about is so important. Something I did every day was leave the house, even if it was just to the local shop for some milk, that way I had a purpose other than feeding the baby!! Well done for sharing it all, I hope it has helped writing it down! Also, I have lived with reflux (my baby is 1 now) and it does get better. Have you been to the docs? Make sure they listen to you! If you want to message me at all about it feel free as I have been through it all with the docs and have come through the other side! xx
Hello, nice to meet you! Just to say, I can totally sympathise as I had PND! Only just really coming out of it now. I love your coping strategies but I wanted to reach out and say you are not alone and I can highly recommend you getting involved in #PNDhour over on Twitter run by Rosey PNDandME. If we follow each other I can start introducing you to us! They have all been amazing and we cheer each other on and laugh and joke!! PND doesn’t mean all doom and gloom!! We are a witty bunch promise! Any, invite is there! We would love you over! Kat @beautwins on twitter. I’ve also blogged about PND on #SundayStars xxxx
Lots of love huni. I had a difficult birth after a traumatic time trying to get pregnant and I really struggled. I was diagnosed with PND when Baby was 7 months old and am still on medication now. I think you have got such great strategies in place and the fact that you are open and aware will help you. There are lots of us who blog that have PND, so you need never feel alone. Thanks so much for linking up with #TheList xx
Sounds like you have a great plan in place and I wish you all the luck in the world. I found babywearing to be a great way to combat my PND and my youngest’s reflux as it kept him upright (although I needed a muslin to catch the inevitable vomit!) It gave me the closeness and bonding that I needed while still being able to do things with my other children (at one point I had 4 kids under 5!) or the things that need doing around the house. The great thing about a stretchy wrap in particular is that you can tie it on then pop baby in and out with only minor adjustments as and when needed which is great for car journeys too. I think I wore mine non stop for about 5 months! #sundaystars
Sounds like you’re doing an excellent job to me! Your baby is only nine weeks old and you’ve already got things planned. The fact that you’re worrying about things also proves you’re a good mum. Please try and remember that love is the main thing kids need and sounds like you’re giving them all plenty of love. Don’t be overwhelmed, take one day at a time and really try to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. Give more hugs and take your own advice – be kind to yourself!!
P.S wish I looked that good after giving birth!!
Firstly, great post and very brave for putting it down into words. That has got to help you, but also many others feeling the same. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. It’s very early and so what if some of your other jobs/family members are being ignored – you have a newborn and that’s a tough job! However, I agree with Vicki (Honest Mum) in that you should maybe talk to someone if you are not doing this already? Really hope you are doing OK. There is a lot of support on twitter and through bloggers on PND and many have gone through the same. Thanks for sharing it on #sundaystars
I can relate to a fair few of these coping strategies. I think that you are on the right track with working through all of your feelings and finding positive ways to deal with them all. I might make a similar list myself. Thank you for linking up to #MaternityMatters x x