Do you ever have a week where you feel like a fantastic really terrible Mum?
I have been flying solo since last Wednesday and my children have been fed, washed and clean clothed. I’ve met the bare minimum requirements needed to keep them alive. However I haven’t managed nightly stories, very much quality time or home cooked, amazingly healthy meals. Here are some of the reasons why;
I would like to say thanks to my Mum and Dad for helping out and rescuing us when locked out. Thanks to the village shop for letting me use the phone. My friends for taking Kyle to School one morning and having Finlay for me so I could pick James up. My friends for listening to me moan and generally being there for me and the girls on Twitter for responding to me and making me feel like I wasn’t alone.
James got back yesterday, I managed to eat my dinner and not only that, it was before 9pm. Hopefully next time he goes away we won’t have as many drama’s and I will cope a bit better!
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It doesn’t sound like you were a terrible mum this week, in fact I’d say you did a bloody good job. It’s hard enough having one child to look after on my own so I can’t even imagine how you coped with three. It doesn’t matter if you miss the bedtime stories or have waffles and nuggets for tea once in a while! 🙂 #TheList
Oh hun, what a week! Definitely not a rubbish mummy. More like a super hero having to deal with all of that!
Oh bless you, sounds like an awful week! But you have definitely not been a rubbish mum! You are anything but! I have no idea how I would cope if my other half was away that long and I had to deal with what you had to! Xxx
It sounds like you have had a really rotten week, but like you said you managed to keep the kiddies fed, washed and cleanly clothed – it may seem like the basics but those things are the most important. I hope next week is a better one for you.
How can you be ‘crap’ when your listening to the needs of your children, that my friend I salute you. There is only so much you can do and techinally while your partner is away you are in a single parent role temporary. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate understandably you feel fragile, we all do your not alone. I sure hope you get some rest because cause lets face it your f**king amazing!
It sounds like you are an amazing mum! You must be to cope with three children, all with different needs and at different development stages. Inspiring x
You are definitely not a rubbish mum you just had a lot of challenges to deal with this week, but your still standing at the end of it and seemed to have coped super well. Hopefully the week ahead is a lot easier for you
wow you really did have a bad week. would go as far as to say bad mum though. your kids probably wont remember which is a good. and its hard to go it alone if you are used to having help. I was a single parent for 5 years (one kid) and I honestly don’t think I could go back to doing all myself. I think you should reward yourself you did it. 🙂
Solo parenting sucks! I totally feel your pain and I only have one. Bless you and it sounds to me that fate was against you and you did really well under the circumstances. Big hugs huni. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList xx
hey you got through it and lived to tell the tale…o you must have aced it! (even if just by the skin of your teeth!!) I hope this week has been better x
You are clearly supermum. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I am in awe. X
You are clearly supermum. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I am in awe. Xx