
You Are A Good Mum

You are a good Mum

To the mum who stands in the aisle in the shops trying to disguise her crying whilst comforting a distressed baby.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who loves her children fiercely but finds it so hard some days.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who tries to ignore the disapproving looks when their toddler is tantruming at the play area and doesn’t want to leave.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who shouts with frustration at her children when they don’t listen and then feels so guilty.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who sometimes doesn’t know how she is going to get through the day.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who is holding her screaming in pain reflux baby and doesn’t know what to do.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who hides in the toilet for 1 minutes peace only to not get it.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who looks at her children and feels so much love, but worries she is failing them.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum whose baby is crying and you don’t know what is wrong.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who blushes with embarrassment when the teacher calls you over at the end of school.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum whose baby screams everytime you go in the car.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who puts on Peppa Pig and wills her child to watch it so that she can get some work done.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who cries herself to sleep promising that she will somehow do better tomorrow.
You are a good Mum.

To the mum who worries if she is doing the right thing bottle feeding.
You are a good mum.

To the mum who is crying in pain and frustration trying to breastfeed.
You are a good Mum.

To the mum who lays awake at night listening to her baby cry and doesn’t want to get up as she is so tired.
You are a good Mum.

To the mum who uses social media as an escape and wishes she didn’t.
You are a good mum.

To the Mum who co-sleeps and worries what people will say.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who puts her baby in a cot and worries what people will say.
You are a good Mum.

To the mum who misses her children and feels guilty for working.
You are a good mum.

To the mum who wishes she could have some adult conversation and finds staying at home hard.
You are a good mum.

To the mum who sometimes forgets to do their child’s reading and homework.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who cries with guilt over the things she has and hasn’t done.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who makes quick and easy dinners from the freezer.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who wishes her house was tidier and more organised but never has the time.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who feels like she doesn’t fit in and is so lonely.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who worries about being a good Mum.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who wishes she was doing a better job almost every single day.
You are a good Mum.

To the Mum who is ME. You are a good Mum. 



Laura says:

very very true! Well said X

Needed to read this today. Why do mums feel guilty about everything!

Emma says:

So true. We all need to stop feeling guilty about not being good enough and give ourselves a high five instead πŸ™‚

Lovely post. We all need to hear it sometimes.

Caroline says:

Brilliant post. Just how I feel a lot of the time with 2 boys and one baby girl! Please can I ask where Ava’s lovely coat is from? Thanks xx

MummyandMonkeys says:

It’s tough some day isn’t it! It’s from M&S I love their baby girls clothes x

Caroline says:

It certainly is. Thanks, yes they have beautiful girls things! A lovely change after buying for boys!

Jenny says:

Oh I absolutely love this post so true we all have so much pressure and busy lives we do what we can and the best we can. The world needs to stop judging so much I think. Great post. My favorite!!!!

Definitely needed this today. Busy potty training my twin boys, and lets just say it’s not going so great. Thanks for helping us feel like good moms. #PicknMix

wendy says:

This is a lovely post and so true. I think sometimes being a mum can be really really hard and all we need is someone telling us it’s ok, you’re doing a good job.xx #picknmix

I love this. I am about to be a first time mum (40 weeks pregnant and still waiting!) and I am sure these will apply to be at some point! xx


Helen says:

Such a true post and one us mummies aren’t always good at doing…telling ourselves we are doing an ok job. Since becoming a mummy the guilt has been overwhelming some days, I think it’s part of being a parent…oh joy! #picknmix

Helen x

Kirsty says:

Such a lovely post. In such a negative world it is so important to remember that we are all good mums who only do our best for our children…. #picknmix

Tracey Abrahams says:

Always so much pressure on us as parents, with such contradictory advice its easy to feel we are doing it all wrong. Its important to stand up and say we are food mums evwry now and again xx #picknmox

This really made me smile – sometimes we all need that little reminder! x #picknmix

Lovely post hon I’m not surprised it’s being viewed and shared so much πŸ™‚

Stevie xx

Nodding away at all of these thinking i’ve been there or i’m still there! We are all amazing mums trying to do our best without a manual! #picknmix friday

Aww,so lovely!I’ve been many of these several times and it’s hard not to think you’re a rubbish Mum sometimes x #picknmix

Mum in Brum says:

This is such a beautiful post that I think every mum will see themselves in. I think the fact that we worry about being good enough makes us all good mums. Great post and an empowering read. Thank you x #Picknmix

Rachel says:

Love this, think we all need to read this sometimes. Beautiful. #picknmix xx

I think I have probably experienced all of those is some shape or form and its makes you doubt your abilities thank you for the reminders xx #PickNMix

Oh this is so lovely, bought a few tears to my eyes its so acurate as to how i’m feeling a lot of the time (my 5 month old has just gone off to sleep, desperately hoping she doesn’t wake up until I’ve had a chance to finish drinking my brew!!) Beautiful meaningful writing, thank you πŸ™‚

Kate says:

I love this post, sometimes we mums just need reminding that we’re doing ok. For me, today is one of those days so thank you

Rebecca says:

I needed this. I love this❀

Kim Styles says:

thats great! it puts it som much into perspective

Arabella Bazley says:

Very true, perfection would be a nightmare as it is the unpredictable that makes a life full of challenges and achievements.

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