
A marathon walk, 10th Birthday and wish lists #LittleLoves

This week has been full of ups and downs. I walked a marathon, the whole 26.2 miles which was very challenging and I noticed yesterday that two of my toenails are turning black! Kyle turned 10 on Sunday and I still can’t believe I have a 10 year old. It’s also been a really up and down week with the blog. I had to turn down a lovely opportunity and spent lots of time chasing overdue payments. But I won a photo a day competition and I feel like I’m finally having time to spend on my baby. 


A copy of Grazia. I’m really not doing very well with this one. My goal is to have something to write here next week!  


Top of the Lake, a boxset that was originally on BBC and is now on Netflix. It has Elisabeth Moss from The Handmaid’s Tale as the main character. I finished Season 1 in a week, mainly because I went to bed early a couple of nights after the Marathon and watched in bed. We are now also on to season 4 of Power. 


I’ve been listening to Alison Perry’s Podcasts and if you haven’t already, you should too. They are fab!


I’ve been making Wishlist style posts each week on a different theme and I’m really enjoying creating them. So far I’ve done a skincare, 30 plus Birthday,  Autumn fashion and self care edition. 

self care


It’s been a real mix of weather this week hasn’t it? I’ve worn t’shirts, jumpers, warm boots and my saltwater sandals. I dug out my favourite mustard jumper from last year and realised it’s a bit bobbly and misshapen now. I definitely need some new warmer items. 

I also just wanted to share this picture of Ava from a few days ago. We had such a lovely day together and I just love her little outfit. 

And Lastly ….

I went to the launch of the new family box at the rather cool, Hello Fresh headquarters. We have been trialling the box for four weeks now and it’s helped to ease some of the Mum guilt I often have! 


Donna says:

I’ve just opened your Hello Fresh post to have a read. LOVE your outfit to the event – and you look so happy! 🙂 It’s been weird weather hasn’t it? I hope it will now settle into autumn x

Morgana says:

Oh just look at Ava’s little outfit and those curls, what a cutie!
I really must download Alison’s podcast and have a listen, I keep forgetting about it xx

Kayleigh Watkins says:

Sounds like a busy week, it only seems like yesterday my son was turning double figures and now he’s 13, it goes way to fast, I love your wish list, I have heard of hello fresh but haven’t tried them xx

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