
My week in photo’s

I have been really slack with doing my weekly posts, sorry! We have had so much going on and the next few weeks are going to be chaotic with a trip the Bluestone and moving house!

Processed with MoldivMonday was a very wet day. Kyle had a repeat hearing test which he passed, yey! Someone is starting to bum shuffle 🙂

Tuesday I have an early wake up from a baby learning to blow raspberries. Good thing she is cute!

Processed with MoldivWednesday I meet friends for a coffee and the boys have their swimming lessons. So proud of Finlay who can now swim a width on his back and 5m on his front totally unaided. Sometimes I find myself watching the three of them playing together and think how lucky I am.

Processed with MoldivThursday The sun is out today and James is back after being in America for just over a week! So pleased to have him home and so is Ava and the boys.

Friday I manage to escape the mad house for a few hours. Im running errands but it’s so nice to get out on my own 🙂

Processed with MoldivSaturday we have fun building lego and we all go swimming. Ava is so tired afterwards that she falls asleep on me in the shower, very cute! In the evening I have a glass of wine whilst looking at the activities we are going to book for Bluestone.

Sunday isn’t as wet as it looked like it was going to be so we walk to a nearby Bluebell wood, it’s beautiful!

photo (60)


Laura says:

Some beautiful pictures of your kids. Well done to your son on his swimming that’s fantastic (from a non swimmer)
Blue bells are so pretty.

Shannon says:

So many lovely photos! I hope you have a wonderful time at Bluestone!

Gorgeous photos! And I love that denim dress and the necklace.

Hope your house move goes smoothly. We’re in the process of doing ours up – so much to do, can’t wait to finish so I can start the decorating.

Nadia – ScandiMummy x

Betty and the Bumps says:

Looks like you had a great week. I love that denim shirt dress!



My little boy loves the lego picture! He just spotted it over my shoulder! I’m loving all the bluebell pictures at the moment! 🙂 x

That t-shirt ROCKS! I’d forgotten all about early morning raspberry blowing… all to look forward to again!

Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xxx

Gorgeous photos! Love the bluebell woods, I must look up where our nearest one is! You have reminded me I need to sort out swimming lessons for mine too! Thanks for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky x

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