We were recently sent a set of Dinosaur Times Tables Tutor cards by The Natural History Museum to review. Perfect for the eldest (8) who has to practise his times tables weekly and I thought it would be a fun way of practising them together. I will hold my hands up and admit I’m pretty rubish at mine. I learnt them in a funny way saying 8, 16, 24, 32 rather than 1 times 8 is 8, 2 times 8 is 16, so when I get asked something like 7×8 I have to go through them till I reach the answer. I’ve tried to re learn them over the years but there are still a few numbers I struggle with. When I did my teacher training the people my age had also learnt them in a similar way so it must have been a policy at the time.
The boys love dinsosaurs and maths strangely so they were both keen to have a go at the games. I wasn’t sure if Finlay (5) would be able to join in so was pleasantly surprised that he could as there would have been a drama otherwise. There is a warm up game you can play and then different versions of the main game. Starting with 2,5 and 10 times tables. Finlay was able to join in as although he didn’t know the multiplication he can recognise numbers so figured out quite quickly that a 10 and a 10 together was bigger than a 2 and a 10. When we told him the multiplications he was also able to say which one was the largest number, meaning not only is this game good for older children, younger children will be able to practise their number recognition and counting when playing with you.
I went on to play one of the more challenging versions with Kyle (8) in which you both turn over a card and then the first to say the multiplication wins them both. For some of them we were pretty evenly matched. You could vary this game to focus on a particular times table by selecting the cards you include to include more from that particular table. We included them all so could pull out anything from 1×10 to 12×8.
They have both asked to sit and play the Dinosaur Times Tables Tutor cards game with me since which shows how much they enjoy it and the fact its educational is a real bonus. The cards are available online at The National History Museum, priced £7.
I’ve got another two sets of the Dinosaur Times Tables Tutor cards by The Natural History Museum to giveaway. Enter via the Gleam form below. Good Luck!
Win a set of Dinosaur Times Tables Tutor cards By the National History Museum
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For my four children – they all love dinosaurs x
My Godson. He would love them.
these would be perfect to help my youngest son x
My niece would love these and she’s the perfect age to learn from them xx
My grandson William
For my best friends little boy please
for my nephew or niece
my friends little boy.
Love to win for my children.
My daughter I know she would love them.
My son 🙂
I’d like them for my nephew!
I learnt my times table the same way and have to go through them or to get to the one I need!! These look fab and great that both your boys could get involved. It’s lovely when they can learn through fun x
Its so weird isn’t it I wonder why we were taught that way? xx
I’d love to win them for my niece – these look like such a fantastic way for children to learn the timetables! #picknmix
Helen x
These sound like really great cards! Educational & fun too! Fab giveaway lovely. #picknmix x
As a teacher I love the look of these, anything that can make learning fun s great to me!
haha brilliant! my son loves dinosaurs so this would def motivate him! #picknmix
These look really handy for older children (I have a 3yr old) and something I would definitely benefit from myself as like you, I also learn by just saying the times tables one after the other and not 1×9, 2×9, etc…
My baby is only 8 weeks old – a bit early for her yet! So I will give them to my nephew! xx
Awesome. I missed a lot of maths when I was a kid so I struggle with some of the basics like times tables. #PicknMix
Great giveaway, shall remember these for Jenson when we get to that stage! 🙂 #Picknmix
I love things like this that make learning more fun! I’d heard that they were bringing back that more traditional way of learning times tables (1×5 is 5, 2×5 is 10 etc) which is a good thing I think, I just need to get practising as I’m not sure of them all myself! x #picknmix
What a great idea to make it fun and keep it fresh in their minds. Maths is definitely my weakest subject, so maybe I should buy these so the boys can show me up 😉
Stevie xx
My boys would love this and so would I! We try so many different methods in our house to teach basic maths that its great to have something a bit different for them to try:)
mainy – myrealfairy
Would love these for my Granddaughter
My son he starts school this year so these would be great x
my grandaughter x
It would be fab for my great-niece, Mia.
For my daughter. She’s starting school this September and so keen to learn!
Our youngest is trying to mater the art of times tables at the moment.
Would be perfect for my son as he is just starting to learn at school
For my nephew as he is 7 and loves dinosaurs so would he a fun way to get him to improve oj and learn his timetables.
my son lukas
My niece would love these
Our little girl is dinosaur mad and would absolutely love these. Thank you for the chance 🙂