
Konfidence Golden Bucket Sand Art Competition

One of our favourite things to do on the beach as a family is make a sandcastle, so when we heard that Konfidence were sponsoring  the 2016 Golden Bucket Sand Art Competition the boys were really keen to join in. The competition is for children 8 years and under to create their own sand art masterpiece. The top three winners will receive a gold, silver or bronze coloured bucket and spade trophy and a £200 Konfidence voucher for first place, plus a £100 and £50 voucher for the second and third placed entries. Each winner will also receive a Trunki suitcase and a Bombura bath robe. 

There are even weekly winners who will receive a framed certificate with a picture of their sand masterpiece on it. The competition is being sponsored by the new Konfidence swim jackets,  which give confidence to Mums and Dads, as well as kids, whilst in and around water.For every Konfidence swim jacket sold during the competition, Konfidence are donating £1 to the Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust.

Here is our entry into the Konfidence Golden Bucket Sand Art Competition;

Konfidence Golden Bucket Sand Art Competition

It’s really easy to enter, all you need to do is take a photo of your child/ren’s sand art and upload it to the Konfidence Facebook page at KonfidenceUK, along with a title (be creative!) and the hashtag #goldenbucket. Entries open on 1st July and close on 30th September 2016, so there is still plenty of time to enter photo’s you have taken or will be taking.

When we headed down to Devon for the week the first day we were on the beach, which also happened to be the best weather wise, the boys were desperate to make their sand art for the competition. We were at Woolacombe beach which is a beautiful sandy beach, perfect for sandcastles. They spent ages making their Castle fort carefully fitting the different shapes together. They then decided that their castle needed a Volcano which grew and grew throughout the day.



The hardest thing this year was keeping Ava away from it as she just loves to squash them. This was seconds after the entry photo was taken.


 She did have a go at making her own but would squash them before we had the chance to get a picture.

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Finlay and Ava both wore their Konfidence jackets whilst on the beach. I absolutely love the pattern and detailing on Ava’s one, so cute. Finlay although able to swim 10m (just) without a float, lacks confidence in the water and the jacket definitely made a difference to his happiness when playing in the shallow waves of the sea. He also said it kept him warmer. Ava is the opposite and absolutely fearless around the water, she regularly made a sprint towards the sea loving the waves shouting “yey, yey” everytime one came. The jacket gives us more confidence with her being around water and we will be making space for it in the suitcase when we go away to Spain for a few days with Daddy. 

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Kyle who is a more confident swimmer was sent a Konfidence wetsuit which he loved, he would have stayed in the sea all day if we had let him (I could have done with one for me,  it was cold!). We had a couple of other wetsuits for the other two and Kyle’s would take the longest to dry after the beach, it was definitely the thickest and is really good quality.

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If you’re off for a day at the beach soon, or have some recent pictures of sand masterpieces, why not enter the Konfidence Golden Bucket Sand Art Competition? Terms and conditions can be found on their website.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Lisa Savage says:

Looks like you had such fun in Devon! What beach was that? Bigbury? Don’t think we’ll be able to enter the competition as we’re not really going to the beach this year, but its a lovely idea. #picknmix

My kids love their wetsuits. The vests look great too! Looks like the beach was great fun, lovely sand castles #picknmix

Lovely photos! Love Woolacombe beach, on a sunny day there is no where finer than a beach in Devon (or Cornwall, of course). If we get anymore sunny days me and the kids will definiitely enter the competition. #PicknMix

Emma Jones says:

Ah wish I’d known about this before was at the seaside last weekend but no plans to return this year boo! Looks like you had a great time in Devon. #picknmix lifeinthemumslane

What a lovely competition! Some beautiful photos in your post and the boys competition entry looks fab! Looks like they had loads of fun. #picknmix

Helen says:

Lovely photos – you can’t beat a trip to the beach! I would have loved to enter but living in the midlands makes trips to the beach so very rare 🙁 #picknmix

Helen x

Lovely photos and they did a great job! Bless Ava, Holly is exactly the same and Alice gets frustrated with her!! Enjoy Spain x

What an amazing idea. Our Short Rib isn’t big enough yet – he loves his sandpit but does have a habit of trying to munch the sand! Maybe in a couple of years! Your Monkeys look like they had a whale of a time though! #PickNMix

wendy says:

Aww I love this, what a fab idea for a competition. Looks like the kids all had a great day at the beach and I love the jackets, especially Ava’s xx #picknmix

Mum in Brum says:

Looks like the kids all had such fun. We went to Salcombe last week, but Taylor also insists on destroying sandcastles rather than making them at the moment! Those jackets are so adorable and such a great idea. It would definitely make me feel more confident in the sea with little ones. Hope the boys win their competition! xx #picknmix

Ha I love that Ava is a sandcastle destroyer, the little devil 🙂

Stevie xx

Heading up to Norfolk this week for some family catch up time and we always spend hours on the beach so will have to some serious time for making sandcastles just without the Konfidence jackets. Love Iva’s by the way, there was never anything like that when mine were small. #picknmix

Sarahbel says:

Oh I’m so jealous you’re by the seaside! Earlier this summer I spent a few days in Devon with my parents and little baby girl. She couldn’t quite get her head around the ‘sand’ thing so think sandcastles are a way of still! looks like you had a fab time and the Konfidence gear looks great. #picknmix

What a great competition. Loving the volcano, my son and hubby always end up making one of those too, must be a boy thing. Ava’s jacket is really cute, I’ll be looking into them before we go on holiday next year.

Silly Mummy says:

That sounds like so much fun! Love your entry! #picknmix

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