
LA Science shampoo and serum review and giveaway

One of the things they don’t tell you about when you are pregnant is the after hair loss. It’s happened to me with all 3 of mine and each time it has been worse. It’s like clockwork, three months post partum and bang goes my nice hair and it all starts falling out. The first time I would just clog up the plug with loads of hair eveytime I washed it and my hair got everywhere, I had to hoover loads to pick it all up. Luckily I naturally have loads of hair so it wasn’t noticeable. Second baby was pretty much the same except this time around my hairline I grew back hair that had fallen out in little baby fluff, tufty patches which was really annoying. Third time I actually noticed the thinner patches. They were particularly bad around my hairline again and worse towards my temples. While having my hair done months later my hairdresser found about 5/6 patches of hair regrowth all over my head. Ava is 16 months and my hair around my hairline is still growing back, it has been particularly fine and fluffy around the left side of my forehead and so I swapped my side fringe over to cover it up. I had just been putting up with it and waiting for it to come back on its own when I was contacted my LA Science to see if I wanted to try out their Follicle stimulating shampoo and anti hair loss serum. So obviously I jumped at the chance.

LA Science anti-hair loss product produces healthier hair and extends the growth phase of the hair cycle. The product combines two ingredients that deliver growth factor mimicking peptides and an encapsulated nano system which infuses the base of the follicles.

LA Science Follicle Stimulating Shampoo


Not only does the shampoo clean your hair it is designed to improve blood supply to the scalp. One of the main ingredients is Copper Tripeptide. This increases the blood vessel network to the hair follicles, which increases the size of the follicle, encouraging hair growth. Use daily and massage in to scalp. You don’t need to use a conditioner with this product.




LA Science Anti Hair Loss Serum

61kxbH7pNQL._SL1146_Is an intensive treatment to help extend the growth phase of hair for a thicker looking head of hair. It needs to be applied to the areas twice a day, best done morning and night. Massage into the scalp for about a minute. There is no need to rinse off.





I’ve been using these products for a few weeks now and have noticed an improvement in my patches. I think they are less noticeably thinner now. It will take time for the hair to grow as long as the rest of it but at least it is growing. It says to not use conditioner however my hair is long and quite dry and I found it difficult to brush without any. I have however noticed that I can now use less conditioner than normal and my hair is looking and feeling in better condition. I’m also noticing that less hair is falling out when I wash and brush it.

I’ve looked through for some photo’s of when my thin patches were at their worst and surprisingly I don’t have many! 

left: patchy hair 10 months postpartum. Top right: thin hair patch 8 months postpartum. Bottom right: hair regrowth at 11 months postpartum.

Review and Giveaway LA Science shampoo and serum set

If you would like to be in with the chance of winning 1 bottle of LA Science Follicle Stimulating Shampoo and one bottle of LA Science Anti Hair Loss Serum enter via the Gleam form below. 

Win one bottle of LA Science follicle stimulating shampoo and Anti hair loss serum


Margaret Gallagher says:

Have suffered hair loss due to medications and allergies but not during pregnancy
This range sounds great for nourishing hair and helping blood flow to the scalp
Thanks for the review

Ashley Bree Perez says:

I would love this for myself.

Caroline says:

I would love to win this! My suffered from awful hair loss with all 3 of my pregnancies too, my little girl is 9 months now and I’m just growing some fluff back around the front! I think Daisy’s is growing faster than mine! Ha!

Emma walters says:

im losing a lot now after having my daughter so would love to try this x

Caroline Hunter says:

Not during pregnancy but am losing hair now-it’s a bit worrying!

Tracy K Nixon says:

Yes, but luckily not lots. It grew in like whispy baby hair around my fringe though!

Sobia says:

I had thick healthy hair that has thinned after pregnancy.

Harline pagdinparkin says:

No it was after the menopause my hair has gone really thin and limp

Jennifer Haden says:

I’ve had hair lose from medications but not pregnancy

Hazel Rea says:

Didn’t have a problem after pregnancies but have an auto-immune problem which is causing hair loss so would love to try this.

Zara Aitken says:

My hair has never been that great and I am always looking for ways to strengthen it and make it more healthy. This sounds great!

Sarah Brokenshire says:

nothing noticeable x

amy bondoc says:

no my hair was fine, its falling out now though !

claire nutman says:

No luckily I was totally fine x

Karen R says:

I really did! I hated going in the shower because I felt that I would look bald afterwards!

Andrea storey says:

No, but being on the contraceptive pill caused havoc with my hair.

Hannah Price says:

I have PCOS and it’s made my hair much much thinner over the past year or two – would love to try this!

Jo Richards says:

I did but it grew beautifully and became very thick during pregnancy, just went back to back lank and fine afterwards

Marycarol says:

Not due to pregnancy but thyroid problems

Debbie Gilbert says:

Not after pregnancy but because I have to take medication

Jo Jones says:

I think hair thins as we get older

ruth robinson says:

id love this my hair comes out bad in the shower

Julie Henderson says:

a little bit but my hair is so fine anyway

Kelly L says:


Suzanne Sendell says:

Yes I did,have lots of hair though so would only notice If I tied It up

jennifer thorpe says:

I lost absolutely loads of hair after my pregnancies

Julie Guy says:

I didn’t loose too much after my 3 pregnancies, but now I’m older I’m definitely loosing it. I would love to see if this would work on my hair. Thank-you for the chance to win. 🙂

Life Loving says:

Sounds like a great set of products. I’m glad they are helping with your patches.

Sally @ Life Loving

Ruth Harwood says:

no, I was lucky there, but I do lose a lot everytime I wash it!!

This looks like a great product. My hair is still a lot finer since having Little Button, but I hadn’t thought to try something like this. #PicknMix

This could be good for my Mum who’s hair has been very fine due to illness, my own hair also seems to be getting flatter and flatter with age! Thanks for the review #Picknmix

I lost a bit but I still had to go and have my hair massively thinned out because it was so thick and unmanageable. x #picknmix

My baby girl is only 5 weeks old and I haven’t experienced any hair loss as yet! (touch wood) in fact my hair went thicker and my colour went a deeper red in the last trimester. xx


This looks like a good product. I suffered quite badly with hair loss after having my daughter too. Naively I thought that as I didn’t lose much in the weeks after birth I was going to get away with it – I was wrong. Same as you, after a few months it started coming out and I am now sporting those funny baby fluff patches on my hairline. #PicknMix

Maxine G says:

I’ve always had fine and thin hair

Kim Styles says:

NO i did not lose hair after pregnancy

Heather says:

I would give this to my neighbour who has recently finished treatment for breast cancer, her hair is slowly growing back and this may help.

This looks like something i need! My hair fell out during my anorexia period years ago and after having both of my children. My hair is really thin :/ #picknmix

Sam McKean says:


christine szlobodnik says:

No, but as i’m getting older my hair is starting to really thin out xx

I have heard a lot of good stuff about serum. This sounds like an interesting product, I have never heard of it before X #picknmix

Jessica steele says:

Oh yes, I had little sideburns for about a year!

Solange says:

No, I didn’t.

My hair was awful after both of my boys I pretty much had a receding hairline at the sides…. my youngest is 10 now and it’s still shorter in places than the rest of my hair!

Stevie x

frances hopkins says:

Yes lots 🙁

Mine has never really been the same since my 3rd baby.I fond mine thinned in the same places as yours and although the fluffy bits grew back it’s just not got as much life in it anymore #picknmix

Maria says:

I think I am lucky my hair is so thick that even losing lots it wasn’t patchy. This looks great though! #PickNMix

debbie smith says:

i had very fine hair anyway but whist pregnant it became thick and i looved it but here i am 3 years later with my thin hair again 🙁 xx

Jo Hutchinson says:

Yes its really thinning.

Julie Paton says:

Luckily no, but as I’m getting older I find that it is thinning

Michelle O'Neill says:

my hair is thinning at the front badly, could really do with this x

Alexis Pettie says:

I haven’t had a child but my sister has and she found that her hair got thinner and lost a lot of hair since birth

Nicola Andrijauskas says:

Not during pregnancy but as a side effect of medication and also as I’m getting older

Cheryl Price says:

not after pregnancy but i have very thin hair and i suffer from nerves and often lose hair


not straight away but do have problems now, these products sound fab

Katie Skeoch says:

It was during pregnancy that my hair started to get thinner. I used to get handfuls in the shower!

Jenny Jones says:

Yes and my hair hasn’t recovered since it’s fine and thin now

Jane Middleton says:

no, I didn’t

donna l jones says:

l lost a tiny bit

Barbara Handley says:

My hair never grew as thick as before, after I had my son.

Helen A says:

I suffered it due to thyroid issues

Emma Perry says:

Yes I lost hair after pregnancy and have ever since – I have mega long hair so it’s a right pain as it literally appears everywhere in my flat!

Jodie Harvey says:

i have 5 children and currently 7months pregnant with number 6, my hair is very fine thin and lifeless and has been since my first

adele knight says:

yes i did

Theresa M says:

During pregnancy my hair was probably at it’s best, after pregnancy it thinned out and lost it’s luster. Sounds weird, but I would say but it was almost as though my hair deflated in sympathy with my boobs!

Deborah Bird says:

I didn’t lose a lot of hair after pregnancy but I am losing it now because I have lupus and am on a lot of awful medication which makes you lose your hair so would love to try this!

ellie spider says:

my sis has in both her pregnancies so this would be great for her 🙂

Gill Abrahams says:

I’ve always had very fine hair.

Victoria Prince says:

I made the decision not to have my own biological children due to a genetic condition, so I have never been pregnant to find out what it would do to my hair

Vicky-Louise Robinson says:

Yes I’ve lost hair every time. Sometimes it’s been more noticeable than others. After my last pregnancy I lost so much hair and I got worried it would never stop. It’s still so thin now that it’s upsetting.

kim neville says:

Yes I lost a bit of hair

Jennifer Rhymer says:

I think my hair looked quite healthy during pregnancy but it did fall out afterwards which was a bit worrying!

Anna Wood says:

Yes and my hair has been thin ever since

Catherine Gregory says:

Still trying to conceive with my first so I will let you know 😉

Sheri Darby says:

Yes – it seemed loads fell out whenever I washed my hait

sarah robertson says:

My hair is awful just now. It keeps falling out. My son is 7 months and I had hoped it would improve by now.

Sharon says:

Yes, my hair was (and still it) everywhere!

Karen Foster says:

Yes, my hair got noticeably thinner after pregnancy

LoobyLee says:

Yes, it’s incredibly upsetting

yes, some and as my hair is so fine I really noticed it


I did not loose after my pregnancies but have done since my Menopause started

Natalie Crossan says:

yes i did and afterwatds

jackie curran says:

I did a little, lose it more now though .

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