Did you know that on October 2nd it’s Grandparents Day? If you are looking for ways to celebrate Grandparents Day this year I have created a Pinterest board full of ideas. The lovely thing about Grandparents is watching the relationship they have with my children. We are lucky enough to live fairly close to my parents who see the kids pretty much every week. They have also helped out looking after Finlay a day a week before he started school and now help with Ava. James’ Mum lives further away and we wish we could all see each other more.
I’m planning on doing something this year to show them how much they are appreciated and loved so I’ve been thinking about simple ways to celebrate Grandparents Day.
Here are 5 simple ways you can celebrate Grandparents Day this year if your Grandparents are nearby.
It can be hard to celebrate together though if your Grandparents are in a Care Home or live far away. So here are 5 simple things you can do to celebrate Grandparents Day if this is the case.
If you do want to get them a present, take them shopping and purchase something they like or somewhere like Chums have some lovely things that would make a great surprise gift and they can be sent to Grandparents that live further away.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
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We are lucky to have both sets of grandparents close by and we see them all the time. It would be lovely to show them how much they mean to us all on grandparents day x
This is such a lovely idea, i had no idea there was a grandparents day! My inlaws do so much for us, they adore my kids and spoil them rotten, I will definitely have to do something special for them this year! #picnmix
I’m so lucky, my parents are amazingly close to our children and have helped immensely especially with my son who is 10 and has learning disabilities. Last week, my 7 year old daughter had a Granny/granddaughter trip to Paris for 2 days. How amazing is that?? She never took me to Paris!
What a lovely selection of ideas – it can be easy to forget everything Grandparents do, so it’s nice to recognise that 🙂 #picknmix
Helen x
Great Ideas. I never knew Grandprents day was coming up xx
I think that for those of us that are lucky enough to have our parents around and involved in our children’s lives, its a lovely idea. My Mum particularly does so much for my son and I and I’ll definitely be celebrating it with them. #picnmix
I never even knew that Grandparents Day was a thing. Feel bad now. Is it some thing from the US? Never really heard of it being celebrated in the UK.
Such a lovely collection of ideas. I love it! So important to acknowledge this very special relationship. XX #PicknMix
These are lovely ideas. I personally adore those winter evenings when the photo albums appear! Such lovely memories to look back on.
This is so lovely, I have never heard of Grandparents Day. My in-laws do so much for us now that they are retired even though they live 200 miles away. I would love to do something for them! You have inspired me to bake a special cake for them when they visit next week! #PicknMix
Ooh, I’ve never heard of Grandparents Day. (Must mention it to my daughter lol).
I love your ‘send a hug’ idea.
We’re actually all off on holiday in Majorca on October 2nd so I’ll be sure to remember then! Some lovely ideas here #picknmix
Lovely ideas. I’d never heard of Grandparents Day until recently x #picknmix
Lovely ideas. We’re really lucky and have both sets of grandparents within 10 minutes drive. Both kids LOVE spending time with them and they have such a special relationship.
My sons are fortunate to have their grandparents nearby and very involved in their lives. The Grandparents don’t like the idea of “Grandparents Day” as they see it as a retail gimmick but they know they are loved and precious every single day of the year. #KCACOLS
These are some great ideas, I didn’t even know until last year that Grandparents day even existed. I always see my grandparents and my boys always see their grandparents so I don’t really understand why grandparents day is needed (if you know what I mean?) There are so many occasions throughout the year that I am only just able to keep up with everyones birthdays lol #picknmix
I have to say this is a day we’ve never celebrated – I didn’t even realise it was a thing! #picknmix
Such a fab idea! Both sets of grandparents live away so we always find it difficult to buy things to send down! #picknmix
Aw Grandparents day is such a sweet idea, love it!
Stevie x
We haven’t traditionally crlebrated grandparents day but maybe we should consider it! Afterall they do alot for us and the boys. Lovely suggestions thanks for hosting #picknmix xx