When you have a baby your life completely changes and you become a family. A baby is the most precious gift and they change our lives for the better. When you have a friend or family member who has a baby and becomes a parent you will want to get them something meaningful which they can enjoy. Here are some cute ideas for gifts to give to new parents for them or for the baby this year.
There is nothing better than a big cozy blanket to cuddle up under on a cold night. This gift can be used by the parents and the baby to cuddle up together on the sofa when feeding or when sitting down and enjoying a quiet night in. You can even go one step further with the blanket and print a photo of the baby or the family onto it for a cute personal gift which they can keep forever.
There are a few fun ways to make a hamper for your friends or family when they have a new baby and one of these is to make a nappy cake at home and gift this to them as well as some small trinket gifts like a dummy and a new baby bottle. A nappy cake is super easy to make, it will be a fun project for you to make one evening it can be an impressive looking gift for a new parent.
For a memory which can literally last forever, a wonderful to give to new parents are casting kits For their baby’s hands or feet so that they can have a lasting reminder of when their child was so small. It is a hugely thoughtful gift to get and it can be a wonderful way to celebrate a tiny baby.
When you have a new set of parents in your life one awesome gift which can’t really be beaten is a first memories box. This can include things like the baby’s first ultrasound, first smile, first tooth, first lock of hair etc and it can be a wonderful way for new parents to share and remember their baby’s first few years of life. It will be something they will always remember and it can be priceless.
Let’s face it, new parents never get any time to themselves and as soon as the baby comes along any dreams of a full night’s sleep and a nice night out together is lost. It is because of this that a truly amazing gift could be the ability for the parents to go out for a date. You can offer to look after the baby for the night and this will allow the new parents to go out and enjoy themselves and relax for a few hours. This can be the most thoughtful gift of them all.
*Collaborative post
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