Wow it’s been harder than I thought it was going to be to fit the exercise in every day. I started back at work at a new School last week and that coupled with having relatives to stay, Kyle going back to School and Finlay starting School it has been a bit chaotic here and I haven’t managed the 6x a week.
I thought I would be able to do it some mornings but the reality of mornings with 3 children to get ready mean I haven’t done it yet. Some mornings I could do the School drop and then come back and do it, but I like to have a shower and get ready and then I would have to do that all over again. I’ve been doing it after the kids are in bed which is tough going as all I want to do by then is sit down and eat some food.
This week so far I am doing better. I’ve had a night off tonight but that is the first this week and I will make sure I do it tomorrow. I’m following the Sculpt programme which means I should do the sculpt DVD 4x a week and the sweat Dvd followed by the ab ripper 2x a week. I’m already noticing a difference in what I can do and can now mostly keep up with the faster person not the modifier. Holding the squats for the duration and doing all the ab exercises.Although it’s a challenge to make myself do the exercise I definitely feel much better for doing it. I haven’t noticed a difference in how I look, but I feel a bit firmer. I’ve decided to re take my measurements and photo’s in monthly intervals.
Food wise I have been continuing to try and eat healthily. I’m getting back into meal planning again now that we are in more of a routine which will help.
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