Buying gifts can be a challenge at the best of times! However, if you are looking for things that suit the boho, hippy, or eco-friendly person in your life, things can be even harder! After all, you will want the gift you choose not only to resonate with them aesthetically but also be in line with their values in life as well. Fortunately, you will find some of the best gifts for the hippie at heart, in my guide below.
Be they in necklace, anklet, or bracelet form, what is more boho than beads? Of course, plastic beads are a no-no because their manufacture contributes to the climate crisis. Not to mention that they can end up as trash in the oceans when they come to the end of their functional life.
Instead, why not look at products like these beaded bracelets which are made from natural semi-precious gemstones like quartz, sunstone, and jasper? The best thing about this type of product is that you can choose the crystal they are made from to match the effect you want it to have on the recipient. For example, if you have someone that is struggling with a long wait for something a jasper bracelet can help encourage them to have patience. While if you are looking to provide a boost for someone that is feeling a little down a piece made with rose quartz is the ideal choice.
You may think that practical items aren’t fun enough to give as gifts, but someone living an eco-conscious life is likely to disagree with you. Indeed, as their values are likely to already be in line with minimalism, buying something that will serve a significant practical use can be an excellent idea!
Some of the best options here include bamboo cutlery and drinking straw sets that can be taken along on days out and used instead of single-use plastic items. Bamboo, vegan makeup brushes are another good shout for the hippy in your life, as are other sustainable tools such as reusable razors, and wax wraps. The latter being designed to keep food fresh without the use of plastic bags.
Part of the essential hippy aesthetic is hanging decorative items in the home, in particular wall hangings and ornaments. The good news here is that because the boho look is so popular finding things that match this aesthetic isn’t difficult at all!
Although, it is worth doing a little extra search to find hanging made from sustainably grown crops, and where the people making them get paid a fair price. Indeed, if you want to make an ecologically sound choice here you could buy one pre-loved from an online auction site like eBay or Esty, or even collect up scraps from your own old clothes and have a go at making one yourself to give as a gift.
Last, of all, remember not to blow the whole spirit of the gift when you wrap it. Yes, that means ditching the glossy paper, and fancy one-use bags. Instead, opt for brown paper and string as this can be put in the recycling. Which is something that the hippy in your life will care about just as much as the gift inside!
*Collaborative post
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