
A heatwave, paddling pool fun and embroidery #littleoves

I might be rare here but I’ve been loving the weather. O.k it was a bit too hot at some points but waking up to the sun for days in a row was so lovely. We made the most of it with a BBQ and a new big paddling pool which I will admit to floating around in on my own when the kids went to bed. 


I get back to real life and fail miserably at this one straight away! I have however read Women’s Health, well half of it if that counts? I’m still on my fitness mission and have got back into the swing of it after our holiday. 


Love Island! Late to the party I know. I’m on episode 6 now and enjoying it but it does make me feel old! It also makes me envious of the bikini bods, but not the drama! I couldn’t live without any personal space like they have to. Sharing a bed with someone you know is bad enough. 


I’ve been trying to make a playlist of songs for when I’m working out. Before that I was switching between the rock and the rap spotify playlist.  So far it mainly consists of rock, rap and a little dance. I would love to know if you have any suggestions? 


It through the massive washing pile thanks to the hot weather. I actually found the bottom of mine which is never usually empty. My to put away pile now though is not looking so good! I  can’t believe how happy being able to hang out a large load of washing makes me. 


Lots of embroidery, I’m loving the fashion trend at the moment. 

And Lastly ….

I’ve been thinking more and more about a re-brand of the blog but I’m really stuck on a name. I keep coming back to my own name but I’m worried people wont be able to say it. I would love to know your thoughts?


Tina Turner Proud Mary – it is the best song to run to!!
Adore your top, its fab! Rebranding is so hard. Hope you think of a good name soon xx #littleloves

Thanks for the song suggestion 🙂 x

Your top is gorgeous, that ice cold drink looks pretty good too! Ha ha that’s one thing about living in a hot country, I always get my washing done and dried, it’s just ironing it in the heat that’s a nightmare! Good luck finding a new blog name, it’s never easy. Have a great weekend x

I very rarely iron! The drink is actually a strawberry daiquiri, so good! x

That is one GOOD paddling pool, I’d definitely be in there too! I think re. re-branding, your name would be fine, but as you say, you want something that the masses can easily read so it’s a tough one (and you have a lovely name by the way!). Do you have any other ideas? #LittleLoves

I’m playing around with some other ideas. It’s so tough! Yes the paddling pool was fab, emptying it however, not so much! x

Sophie says:

Oh wow! That paddling pool is awesome! Looks like so much fun. We are thinking of getting a similar one the other day.

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