
Tips For A Bed And Breakfast Stay With Young Children

*This is a collaborative post

When you are preparing for a getaway with young children in tow, one crucial question to consider is that of accommodation. There are plenty of enticing hotels out there; however, you could find that a bed and breakfast – otherwise called a B&B – soon emerges as an even more attractive option.

B&Bs can be smaller and more intimate than the usual large hotels; as such, they can make it easier for you to get to know other travellers. B&Bs also tend to have quieter surroundings. Still, there remain various vital things to consider before you place a booking.

Consider what kind of B&B would seem especially suitable

Traditional hotels can feel somewhat soulless – especially if they are part of a major national chain. Booking into one of its hotels can, in Edinburgh, feel much like it does in Newcastle, Birmingham, London… you get the picture.

The stronger “home from home” feel of a B&B – right down to such touches as the innkeeper’s cat sleeping in the living room – could comfort your child. However, tread carefully, as SmartTravel cautions that many B&Bs do not allow people to take children on stays there.

Be careful in an online search for the right B&B

A bed and breakfast can seem more quaint and traditional than a standard hotel, and that’s a big part of the charm. However, innkeepers remain eager to make sure that people can easily book rooms at their institutions; they could go as far as implementing efficient online booking systems.

It would be worth you looking eagerly for B&Bs that use hotel booking systems from eviivo. Fortunately, the leading travel agency websites – including Expedia,, and – are connected to eviivo systems, and this can undoubtedly ease the task of booking.

Upon arriving at a room, thoroughly inspect it

This includes looking under a bed; you could be surprised to see objects left there that you would fear your curious children playing with. One writer for POPSUGAR UK also advises that you take a baby-proofing kit. This can consist of table-corner covers, outlet covers, rubber bands and tape – and enable you to prevent obvious risks that your children could otherwise face in a B&B room.
You should also look for a latch on the door. By latching the top of the room’s door, you can prevent your kids – who could easily become fascinated by that door – escaping.

Keep that room clean

With B&B rooms often being relatively small, it can easy for clutter to gather in a B&B room that you have booked and moved into. This can be especially the case when you have brought children and items intended specifically for them – like tablets, toys, and snacks.
You will definitely come to thank yourself for keeping on top of cleaning your room. After all, it can seriously reduce frustration – and you probably don’t need to be reminded of the pain of inadvertently stepping on some Lego left on the floor.

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