Gratitiude list #1

It’s January, it’s depressing, so I’ve decided to do a positive list. 10 things I’ve been grateful for, that have made me happy over the last week! 
1. I’ve really enjoyed spending quality time with the boys over Christmas and we had a lovely last few days.
2. James baking me dairy free flapjacks, something for me to snack on that’s also good for my supply.
3. The drop in weigh clinic which meant I could get Ava weighed and not have to wait another 3 weeks. 12lb 4 🙂
4. Finding a dairy free bar of chocolate orange that’s actually yummy (thanks again James)
5. Finlay giving me kisses and telling me I’m the best mummy in the world.
6. The bond that Kyle and James have developed. So pleased about it.
7. Taking Ava to baby massage for the first time.
8. Both the boys settling back into school and pre school happily.
9. Kyle getting a place at football training, he hasn’t been able to do it for a while.
10. The evenings when Ava sleeps and I get a few hours of (kind of as still watching her) time off from mummydom.

3 responses to “Gratitiude list #1”

  1. ah lovely, there is so much to be grateful for if you focus on it tint there?

  2. This is so true and sometimes it is hard to focus on what is good now – right now! You’ve come up with a good list there! #TheList

  3. You Baby Me Mummy says:

    Oh I love a happy list! Such gorgeous things huni and thanks for sharing it with #TheList x (would be fab if you could pop our badge on) xx

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