
Seriously, How Do Mums Keep It Together?

While motherhood is a dream for many women, it would be unfair to pretend that everything is happy and carefree when you have a child. Millions of mothers are overwhelmed by stress as they try to learn how to become the supermum described by the media. The active mum we’ve seen in countless films, who run a high-level professional career path alongside her busy and happy household is a thing of fiction. While it’s not to say that mothers can’t be successful in their careers – many of them can. You have to be realistic. Nobody can be supermum and superboss at the same time. But you can work toward both these objectives, one step at a time. 

Even if you are happy to put your career in brackets while you have a baby in tow, it doesn’t mind that your parental duties will become any easier. No books can prepare you for the emotional rollercoaster of motherhood. But approaching this challenging experience with high expectations is only going to make things more difficult for you. New parents are, unfortunately, doomed to struggle. Having a child is an entirely new experience that will change your life forever. The truth is you can’t keep it together all the time. But you can use a few coping tips and tricks to help you embrace the challenges of motherhood without losing your sanity in the process! 

They try to build a mindful lifestyle 

The life of a mum is stressful. But you can actively find strategies and routines that can help you to better manage your emotions. Focusing on yourself can be tricky, especially when you are focusing all your energy on being the best mother you can be. Here’s a surprising fact for you: You can’t be a good mum if you don’t take care of yourself first. Creating a mindful lifestyle can make a significant difference in your everyday life. Learn to take a step back and enjoy the little pleasures of life, such as cuddling up on the sofa together or watching the kids play while you enjoy a cup of tea. The little things remind you that you don’t need to be switched on all the time. More importantly, they help you to shift your perspective of life as a mother. As you build your days to make rooms for the simple joys, you naturally steer away from stressful and unnecessary activities. 

They still have a cheeky secrets

There are days when you want to explode. How do mums relax when they don’t have the opportunity to book a spa weekend away? They simply make their de-stressing strategy fit in a couple of minutes. You don’t need long to unwind. If you quit smoking to get pregnant and you haven’t found the best relaxing replacement, you might want to consider cheap vape kits. Indeed, reproducing the gesture can make a significant difference to your mental health. Your brain knows that smoking can reduce stress, therefore if you find a healthier alternative, your brain will do the rest. Alternatively, you can find that a comforting cup of tea with a few sneaky biscuits can work wonders too. Or maybe you’ve got a favourite song that always puts a smile on your face? Whatever it is, when you’ve got only a few minutes at hand, you need quick stress relief! 

They look for time-saving solutions

Time-saving solutions are not just good for relaxing. They can make a great deal of difference in everyday life. Running a household with a young child can be time-demanding. As a result, many mums find themselves too tired to eat. You need to fuel your body to go through the challenging of parenting. But you can find simple and effective solutions that keep you strong and healthy without taking too much time. Have you considered a box delivery? You can get fresh vegetables and fruit delivered to your door to save yourself precious shopping time. You can also find fresh pasta delivery for the days when you want something comforting and quick. Saving time in the kitchen without affecting your health can help you to feel more in control. 

They have friends who help them to laugh at small hurdles

You shouldn’t shy away from sharing your parental stories – and mishaps – with your friends. Indeed, learning to laugh about mistakes or funny things your toddler says can help you to cope with stress. Laughing not only keeps you looking at the bright side of life, but it also gets rid of your guilt feeling. Indeed, most new mothers struggle with guilt feelings because they worry that not knowing what to respond to their children or how to calm a crying baby makes them inadequate. 

You don’t have to be mum 24/7

You don’t need to be mummy all the time. You can discuss with grandparents the option of letting them look after the kids for one evening if you need to relax. Grandparents are always happy to give you a hand and spend some quality time with their grandchildren. You can check with them if they’re comfortable taking care of a toddler for the afternoon, for instance. However, be cautious not to abuse your relatives’ willingness to help. Grandparents, uncles and aunts can act as a temporary childminder when you need some time on your own. They shouldn’t replace the parents, though. 

They embrace mistakes

We mentioned it earlier. Mistakes happen. Laughing about them is a healthy coping mechanism. And failing from time to time is also healthy, after all, you have to learn. Additionally, as you’re learning to be a parent, your child is also learning to look up to you for guidance in life. Showing that failure is part of the journey and that you can bounce back and learn is a vital lesson. Indeed, you want your child to be willing to take challenges and try new things without the fear of getting it wrong. As a result, you too, as an adult, need to be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to scr*w up to move forward. 

Mummies are going through a lot of stress. Everybody dreams of becoming the supermum described by the media. But coping with unrealistically high expectations puts your mental health through a lot. Learn to free up time and responsibilities from your busy agenda to focus on what matters: building a mindful relationship with your children and yourself. 


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