I was tagged by the lovely Mummybexm here it is my New Years tag.
What was your highlight of 2014?
The highlight of this year without a doubt has been welcoming out baby girl into the world. I was so excited to be pregnant and then even more when we found out it was going to be a girl. After a difficult pregnancy and an emergency c section to have her here safe was amazing. There were lots if other highlights which I feel need a mention. Moving into a new house together was a real positive for me, a fresh start and I live the village we are living in. Our family holiday to Devon was so much fun and I was lucky enough to go to America and Italy too.
What am I excited for in 2015?
There are going to be so many firsts this year with baby girl. First laugh, first tastes, first words, crawling, maybe even first steps. I’m so excited for them all 🙂 Little monkey will be starting school and I’m sure there will be other firsts for both of them. Im excited for wage this year holds for me and the oh, maybe a house move and some family holidays.
New Years resolution
I haven’t made any New Years resolutions. I have however signed up for a 5k run in march so I need to start exercising again, I’m currently a little nervous about what I can do as I’m still getting the odd twinge in my scar. I really want this year to be all about the family. Spending quality time together and cherishing the little things.
Blogging high
Having only been blogging for a few months it’s hard to have a high. However I’m loving that fact that I can now talk to people who are going through similar things, having a baby, pnd. I’m surprised that I get responses to posts and I’m excited that I’ve started being sent products to review!
Picture of the year
There are so many pictures that I love from this year. I’ve cheated and chosen two.
I tag anyone who is reading this who hasn’t already done it!
1 Comment
Really lovely post! Good luck with the run 🙂